HARTFORD?Workforce Solutions Collaborative of Metro Hartford announced grant awards totaling almost $750,000 to three workforce partnerships to advance the careers of lower-income individuals, increase the number of skilled, qualified workers that meet employer needs, and enhance the workforce system.
The awards represent the collaborative?s second round of funding and will scale up its work in helping lower-income individuals get good jobs with family-sustaining wages.?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
?The work of the collaborative is critical for the stability, prosperity, and success of families and businesses in our community?, said Susan B. Dunn, president and CEO of United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut in Hartford, the lead and fiscal agent of the collaborative. ?By bringing together employers, educators, government, service providers, and philanthropy, we are able to go beyond the scale of any one organization and improve the economic outlook for both families and businesses.??
Formed in 2008 with the support of the National Fund for Workforce Solutions, the funders? collaborative convened three workforce partnerships in industries critical to the local economy ? energy/utilities, health care, and manufacturing. These partnerships identify workforce challenges, mobilize and leverage resources, and implement programs to address barriers for lower-income workers. In three years, they have served 781 workers and more than 100 employers in Connecticut?s Hartford and Enfield labor markets.?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
?Lower-income workers do not always have the prerequisite basic skills and competencies to succeed in the world of work,? noted Thomas Phillips, president and CEO of Capital Workforce Partners, the region?s workforce investment board. He continued, ?Furthermore, employers tell us that training combined with some type of work experience produces better outcomes in potential employees. By aligning public and private resources, we can more effectively provide these opportunities, and in turn, better outcomes.??
The workforce partnerships supported by the collaborative offer more than traditional job training programs. They provide a comprehensive approach to address the career advancement needs of employers and lower-skilled adults using a dual-customer model. The partnerships? programs link basic skills education to industry real-world examples. They offer technical training and work experience that addresses each industry?s workforce needs. Also, they provide information about support services such as transportation, child care, and financial literacy to ease financial constraints for program participants while in training.?
?The most important way to increase financial stability for families is a good job that has opportunities for career advancement and family-sustaining wages,? says Linda J. Kelly, president of the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving, a lead funder of the collaborative.??
The collaborative is making an award of $266,889 to the Energy/Utilities Workforce Partnership (EUWP), a partnership of traditional and alternative energy companies, manufacturers of energy-related products, workforce investment boards, and representatives from technical high schools, community colleges, and universities focused on entry-level workforce needs and lower-income workers. EUWP was formed in partnership with the Connecticut Energy Workforce Development Consortium and is convened, organized, and managed by Connecticut Business & Industry Association?s Education Foundation, the arm of the largest, most representative business organization in the state that secures grants to support its educational and workforce development initiatives.?
The grant awarded from the collaborative will help to fund basic skills and workforce readiness training, technical training, paid internships, and job/apprenticeship placement assistance. It will serve 95 lower-income job seekers and incumbent workers.?
Health Care?
The collaborative is making an award of $254,200 to the Metro Hartford Alliance for Careers in Healthcare (MACH) a partnership of hospitals, community-based care providers, long-term care facilities, educators, public agencies and others committed to preparing residents for middle-skill positions in health care. MACH is convened, organized, and managed by Connecticut Women?s Education and Legal Fund (CWEALF), a statewide, nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing the personal and professional lives of women, girls and their families.?
The grant awarded from the collaborative will help to fund two initiatives for job seekers and incumbent workers that includes work readiness and basic skills training, technical training, and subsidized employment. It will serve 100 lower-income job seekers and incumbent workers.?
The collaborative is making an award of $228,773 to the ADVANCE Manufacturing Advisory Partnership (AMAP), a regional roundtable of manufacturers, educators, and other stakeholders created to advance lower-income workers to middle-skill jobs while meeting the needs of area employers. AMAP is convened by Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology, Inc. (CCAT) in East Hartford, a nonprofit corporation that serves employers by helping them innovate and compete in the global market through collaboration with industry, academia, and government.?
The grant awarded from the collaborative will help to fund basic skills and workforce readiness training, technical training, subsidized employment, and job/apprenticeship placement assistance. It will serve 100 lower-income job seekers.?
About Workforce Solutions Collaborative of Metro Hartford??
Current local funders of the collaborative are American Savings Foundation, Capital Workforce Partners, Community Chest of New Britain and Berlin, Hartford Foundation for Public Giving, Nutmeg Foundation, Prudential Foundation, and United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut. For more information, visit workforce-solutions.org.
Source: http://getintoenergyct.com/latest-news/collaborative-awards-prepare-workers-for-local-jobs/
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