by Gerard Nadal, Ph.D. | Washington, DC | | 2/6/12 11:23 AM
Of the many incongruities arising from last week?s savaging of the Susan G. Komen Foundation by Planned Parenthood and it?s minions, the greatest single seeming incongruity is the disproportionate attack on Komen in light of the paltry sum of money involved.
Planned Parenthood is a $1 Billion per year organization who stood to loose $600,000 in Komen grant money. Organizations routinely loose that much money, and more when grants are not renewed, and they are organizations for whom $600,000 is the difference between life and death for the organization.
For Planned Parenthood, the loss of Komen funding represented 6/10 of 1/1000 of their budget. So what?s going on here?
It wasn?t the money at issue, it?s what Komen?s support means for the organization. Planned Parenthood makes their money performing abortions, mostly on young people. Former Planned Parenthood clinic director, Abby Johnson, tells of how the corporate model at PP was built around abortions.
The charade of concern for women?s breast health is the only socially acceptable vestige left for the organization?s bruised and tatttered reputation. Planned Parenthood performed manual breast exams and referred women to mammogram centers. In some instances, it appears that they paid for the mammograms.
However, Plammed Parenthood lied about performing mammograms, and Lila Rose caught them in that lie.
Subsequently, Komen decided that their money would be better spent on paying directly for mammograms, and that?s when all hell broke loose.
Planned Parenthood has an odd way of demonstrating its concern for women?s breast health. They target teenagers with low-dose birth control pills which will fail in their contraceptive effect if not taken precisely on schedule, setting up a lucrative abortion. What the oral contraceptives will not fail in doing is increasing the risk of the deadliest and most aggressive form of breast cancer, triple negative breast cancer.
How much risk?
According to Dr. Louise Brinton of the National Cancer Institute in a 2009 paper, women whose age of first use is below 18 years old have a 540% increased risk. Is that statistic in any of Planned Parenthood?s literature?
The link between oral contraceptives and breast cancer has been known for decades, yet Planned Parenthood dispenses these dangerous drugs to children with reckless abandon.
PP are the lepers of the medical community. They have been caught:
Lying about performing mammograms.
Repeatedly showing willingness to violate mandatory reporting laws for statutory rape.
Violating informed consent by giving women medically inaccurate and fabricated information to coerce them into having an abortion.
Enthusiastically accepting money earmarked for aborting Black babies.
This is an organization that makes no distinction between a ten year-old and a twenty-four year-old regarding sex. contraception, and education. In their own words from page 10 of their booklet, Stand and Deliver:
The World Health Organization defines young people as those from 10 to 24 years of age, including adolescents (10?19 years) and youth (15?24 years). IPPF uses the terms young people, youth and adolescents interchangeably to refer to people who are between 10 and 24 years.
This is an organization that tells children in their booklet, Healthy, Happy, and Hot, that disclosure of their HIV status to a sex partner is not mandatory and just another ?choice?:
You have the right to decide if, when, and how to disclose your HIV status.
There are many reasons that people do not share their HIV status. They may not want people to know they are living with HIV because of stigma and discrimination within their community. They may worry that people will ?nd out something else they have kept secret, like they are using injecting drugs, having sex outside of a marriage or having sex with people of the same gender. People in long-term relationships who ?nd out they are living with HIV sometimes fear that their partner will react violently or end the relationship.
Were all of that not enough, Planned Parenthood has outdone themselves Exclaim!, in their latest document, where they call for the abolition of parental consent laws and call for the sexual rights of ALL persons onder the age of 18. Read it here.
This is the face of a social parasite, of the destroyer of children, of the enormous parasitic organism who preys upon our sons and daughters. All they have left is women?s breast health as the last vestige of credibility, and without Komen, they are sunk.
It wasn?t the 6/10 of 1/1000 of their annual budget that was the threat, it was the loss of Komen?s credibility and good name that threatened them.
As symbiotic relationships go, this one between PP and Komen is a textbook definition of parasitism. Not only does Komen not need the relationship with PP, but the association is an occasion for PP to engage in a blood meal, feeding off of Komen?s enormous reserves of credibility and good will in the community.
Brinker needs to point out the ugly reality of PP and cut the ties. It would also help if she gave the link between abortion and breast cancer, and the link between the pill and breast cancer their proper recognition.
As the head of the world?s premeir breast cancer foundation, she has an obligation to report the whole truth. If she doesn?t, she isn?t acting in women?s best interests. Unlike PP and the abortion industry, Brinker should tell women the whole truth, and then trust them to make their choices.
Choices that are fully informed.
Planned Parenthood doesn?t trust women, or children. That?s why they savaged Brinker for attempting to withdraw the protective cover of Komen?s good name.
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